Grand Theft Auto V offers a lot more fun with cheat codes. Those through phone numbers have the advantage of being cross-platform.
Cheat codes are inherent in the Rockstar game series. Traditional compilations and those through phone numbers are different. Regular codes have one major drawback: they change from one platform to another. For this reason, codes by phone numbers are more interesting. They are indeed cross-platform! Compilations work at the same time for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X versions. However, players on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 cannot take advantage of this cheat option.
The activation of the multiplatform cheat is done by means of the mobile phone. Console gamers just need to press the up arrow key on the controller - the T or space key on the computer. Then just open the phone's numeric keypad to enter the phone numbers which are actually the cheat codes.
Phone numbers for vehicles
Spawning vehicles is a classic in Grand Theft Auto games . GTA 5 is no exception to the rule. The following codes allow the player to spawn vehicles at any time.
BMX (Bike): 1-999-226-348
Gunship: 1-999-289-9633
Golf caddy: 1-999-4653-46-1
Comet (Sports car): 1-999-266-38
Duster (Airplane): 1-999-359-77729
Limousine: 1-999-846-39663
PCJ-600 (Moto): 1-999-762-538
Rapid GT (Sports Car): 1-999-727-4348
Sanchez (Motocross): 1-999-633-7623
Acrobatic plane: 1-999-2276-78676
Garbage truck: 1-999-872-433
Slippery cars: 1-999-766-9329
Phone numbers for guns
Armament is essential in Grand Theft Auto 5 . Having a heavy arsenal makes it easier to wage war against rival gangs or the police.
All guns in the game: 1-999-8665-87
Explosive ammunition: 1-999-444-439
Flammable ammunition: 1-999-462-363-4279
Slow Aim: 1-999-332-3393
Explosive Punches: 1-999-4684-2637
Phone numbers for character abilities
These cheat codes are useful to achieve certain effects. These can offer a whole different experience of the game.
Fast run mode: 1-999-228-2463
Quick swim: 1-999-468-44557
Super jump: 1-999-467-86-48
Invincibility: 1-999-724-654-5537
Special Skill Reload: 1-999-769-3787
Maximum health and armor: 1-999-887-853
Phone numbers for various effects
Drunk Mode: 1-999-547-861
Free fall: 1-999-759-3255
Slow motion: 1-999-756-966
Weather phone numbers
Weather change: 1-999-625-348-7246
Moon gravity: 1-999-356-2837
Phone numbers for the search level
They allow you to get out of a bad situation when you are being chased by the police and the army. The craziest will also use these cheat codes to start a manhunt.
Lower the search level: 1-999-5299-3787
Increase search level: 1-999-3844-8483