Letters to the Editor — Nov. 6, 2021

Letters to the Editor — Nov. 6, 2021

Letters to the Editor — Nov. 6, 2021

The Issue: Kyle Smith’s column detailing Bill de Blasio’s time as mayor as he exits office.

​I would strongly recommend that when the history of Mayor de Blasio’s rule — or perhaps ruin — of New York City is written, that Kyle Smith’s article “NYC’s deBacle ending at last” (Nov. 3) be included as either an epilogue or a prologue.

Smith chronicled brilliantly, and colorfully at times, how this clueless clown brought this great city to its knees.

There should be a celebration to end de Blasio’s ruthless, ruinous reign and destruction of the great city that never sleeps.

Frank Brady


New York City deserved everything it got voting for de Blasio twice.

The crime, the filth, the poverty, the lies, the division and everything else is on the hands of the mayor and those who voted for him.

James Pappas


My sole complaint about Kyle Smith’s parting salvo to de Blasio is that it was too kind to the worst mayor in the city’s history.

I was born and partly raised in Park Slope in the 1950s, when it was a safe and stable working-class neighborhood of Irish, Italian and Norwegian Americans.

For decades now, Park Slope has been a hotbed of ultra-leftist elitists, and its name will live in infamy as the community that spawned the corrupt and inept Marxist moron who has wrecked what had been the greatest city in the world.

Dennis Middlebrooks


I would call this excuse for a mayor a bum, but I would be disrespecting my beloved Brooklyn Dodgers.

His hatred for the NYPD may have contributed to two police officers being assassinated. Now New Yorkers need an ­armored division to ride the subways, and Times Square is a no-man’s land.

What his wife did with the $1 billion that was to be used for the city’s mentally ill at ThriveNYC is never mentioned. And I don’t have time to go into the vaccine mandate.

Louie Scarcella

Coney Island

Great column from the opening paragraph to the last. Smith’s eulogy of
de Blasio was spot on. That this moron was ever elected is just beyond
the pale.

I am a born-and-bred New Yorker from the South Bronx. I am retired now in the Sunshine State these past 15 years, but in my heart of hearts will always be a New Yorker.

Walter Murray

Clearwater, Fla.

De Blasio is clearly in desperate need of psychiatric medication or possibly even a straitjacket (“De Blasio’s Laughable Ambitions,” Editorial, Nov. 3).

His eight-year reign as mayor has left New York City in shambles, and now this delusional nitwit actually believes people will elect him as governor?

Even the incredibly stupid people who voted him in as mayor can’t be so oblivious to consider putting him in Albany.

If that day should ever come, we will see an epic stampede of people running for their lives as they flee New York state.

Thomas Urban


Smith is wrong about former Mayor John Lindsay. The city of New York was lucky to have Lindsay as mayor when it did.

When all the cities in America burned, New York did not. Instead of hiding behind a wall of police, Lindsay showed courage by walking the streets of the city to maintain calm and listen to the citizens no one listened to before.

Lindsay also made sure city workers could afford to live in the city and raise families.

While crime rose, it did not rise as much as in other cities. Lindsay was not perfect, but to compare him to de Blasio is a great disservice and insulting.

Francis Rushford


Oh, how I admire and commend Smith for his column about de Blasio’s reign — and The Post for putting it out there.

Is it possible that any one New Yorker did not experience the effects of his many missteps?

Our next mayor, Eric Adams, will have his hands full righting wrongs. Nothing will compare to what we have seen of this city’s devastation.

Bunny Abraham


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Source: NYPOST


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