War in Ukraine: Engaged in Kiev, Stakhovsky evokes the support of Djokovic and the silence of Nadal and Federer

War in Ukraine: Engaged in Kiev, Stakhovsky evokes the support of Djokovic and the silence of Nadal and Federer

TENNIS Back in Ukraine to take part in the war, Sergiy Stakhovsky says he received the support of Novak Djokovic, but not that of Roger Federer or Rafael Nadal

War in Ukraine: Engaged in Kiev, Stakhovsky evokes the support of Djokovic and the silence of Nadal and Federer
Sergiy Stakhovsky - Lev Radin/PACIFIC PRESS/SIPA

Sergiy Stakhovsky, who recently joined an army base in Kiev to take part in the war in Ukraine , has deferred to the three greatest active tennis players in the hope of gaining support from them for the cause. Ukrainian. According to the newly retired, only Novak Djokovic answered him, as explained to La Stampa .

“Novak Djokovic sent me a message of support, we even exchanged a little, declared Stakhovsky. I tried to contact Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal, I'm sorry but they preferred silence. I understand them, it's not their war. We have the support of great personalities, I hope it will last. Novak Djokovic surely found in Stakhovsky's fight an echo of the war that ravaged the Balkans during the last decade of the previous century.

"That doesn't stop Putin from doing what he does"

Finally, the former Ukrainian player welcomes support from all walks of life and applauds the sanctions against Russia. With a bit of resignation, all the same. “All these restrictions, these sanctions imposed on Russia, it's great, it works… but it doesn't stop Putin from doing what he does. »


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