The Société Française de l'Energie has been waiting for more than three years for a green light from the government to exploit a gas field in Lorraine which, according to it, could represent five years of French consumption.
“We can no longer depend on Russia, Qatar or Nigeria for our gas, we must develop all possible local resources! This cry from the heart is launched by Julien Moulin, president of the Française de l'Energie (FDE), an SME of Pontpierre, in Moselle. And the man knows what he's talking about: the FDE, which has a negative carbon footprint, specializes in setting up – via short circuits – energy production and recovery sites. And she has been waiting for three years, the weapon at the foot, the granting of a concession to exploit in Lorraine a site which according to her represents "the largest reserves of terrestrial gas in Western Europe" !
Coal gas
It is "coal gas", stuck in veins that run underground, 800 or 1,000 meters deep... Yes, Lorraine is a real Gruyère, whose subsoil is pierced by 100,000 kilometers galleries of old mines: the equivalent of 2 and a half times around the Earth! After their gradual closure by Charbonnage de France, the sites were flooded.